Thursday, January 31, 2013


When I think of Piper this fall/winter, I can hear her spelling her name over and over again. "P-I-P-E-R." She loves to write it, she loves to see it, and now that she's mastered her name, she's onto Iver's and I think she has that one pretty much down also. I love to watch her learn and grow. It's unbelievable how much a kid can change in 3.5 years. And then I think of how quickly the next 3.5 years are going to go and I get all sorts of freaked out!

Piper has a great sense of humor, and whenever something ridiculous comes out of her mouth, I think to myself she is such a little Reid. Last week it was bitter cold out. So cold that the only time we spent outside was walking from the car to whatever building we were going into. And even that was done very quickly. So on one of those days, Piper comes flying down the stairs one afternoon in a tank top and PJ pants and she was "sweating from doing her HOT dancing in her room." Hot dancing! What does that even mean?! If you really want to know, just sit in my living room during quiet time and you'll hear the jumping, thumping, her doing who knows what to her music CDs. The kid just cracks me up.

And then she can be a little devil, and on those days, I count down the hours until bed time. She can get under my skin better than anyone I have met, and then I think to myself, she's a little Jen. Not because I enjoy getting under peoples' skin, but because she understands how I tick because she ticks the same way, and therefore knows exactly what to do to push my buttons. And truth be told, I'm pretty sure she enjoys pushing my buttons. I have to remind myself that she's just three, but on days when the countdown is in play, I dread when she's 13. Oh my ...

Luckily there are more good days than bad! I was just looking back through pictures and we really don't have many pictures that show her funny faces that she makes. She has incredibly expressive eyes and I'm pretty sure she'll use them to make people laugh and get what she wants for her whole life. This pic doesn't do them justice, but I want to remember how she makes funny eyes when I'm old and grey.

Piper's favorite color is still orange and she loves Disney princesses. I can't remember exactly when she became obsessed, but it was a bit before Christmas so we gave her a Disney princess story book for Christmas. This may have been a huge tactical error as we've barely read anything else for 5 weeks now. Two stories at quiet time, two at night time. Her favorite are the The Mice Save the Day (Cinderella) and The Royal Friend (another Cinderella one about a little girl named Emma -also her BFF's name). And to round out the old school stories, she also loves Falling in Love (Sleeping Beauty) because she loves to say Maleficent's name. I'm pretty sure this is because Reid had a hard time saying it one night and Piper could say it perfectly. I am SO sick of these stories and can't wait for this obsession to end, but it's also a ton of fun to hear her finish the sentences, and every once in a while, "read" those stories to Iver or one of her lovies. When she hits kindergarten and has to know 92 sight words, I hope we luck out and they show her Cinderella, Jaq, Gus and Maleficent. We'll have those four down, no problem!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Oops - way overdue Iver update!

Iver is 8 months. 8 months! And several days really. So let's do a quick catch up because I have done the worst job ever chronicling all of his stats and milestones and everything else going on in our lives. I hate to admit it, but the second one does get the short end of the stick a bit. But then again, he has all of Piper's stuff to get into and a big sister that makes him laugh like crazy and smile the biggest smiles I've ever seen. I guess it's not all bad.

Turning the clock back 4 months, Iver had his well baby visit ...

4 month stats:

Height: 26.5 inches - 88 percentile
Weight: 16 pounds, 9 ounces - 72 percentile
Head circumference: 16.5 inches - 31 percentile 

And here's what that cutie looked like back then, which clearly shows that he did not know what to think of his first meal of cereal.

On Iver's four month birthday, he rolled over the first time from his back to front (caught the picture and posted it). Two days later, he went from front to back at my parents' house. Not too long after that, he discover that he loved to sit up, and from that moment on, he basically stopped rolling and only wanted to be upright. Here he is on his 5 month bday, proudly sitting up in his room.

I don't think anything super important happened between 5 and 6 months, other than Iver stopped sleeping through the night and we all turned into zombies for a month and a half. I still can't figure out what happened, other than he went through a bit of separation anxiety or something, and we made a crucial mistake when he first started waking up: we responded immediately. Iver was the happiest baby ALL the time until this point. He only cried when he was hungry, so when he stopped sleeping through the night and started screaming, we assumed something was wrong. After a month of responding, we started waiting a bit. Two weeks later, we were back to our sleeping through the night baby. I think he was working us, because we still have no teeth (our first excuse for any negative change in routine) and he was fine in every other way.

Fast forward to 6 months! And another well baby appointment ...

6 month stats:

Height: 26.75 inches - 52 percentile
Weight: 18 pounds, 9 ounces - 52 percentile
Head circumference: 17.5 inches - 63 percentile 

I will say I don't believe the height stat at all. If he had really only grown a quarter of an inch, it would have all been in the size of his head and he wouldn't have outgrown his clothes. By 6 months, he was in 12 month clothes for the most part so I know that wasn't the case. Not that it really matters, but I think we'll see a decent size height jump at the 9 month appointment.

By 6 months, Iver wanted to stand all the time, on everything, so we would prop him up and he'd smile like a crazy man ...

I will note that his doc told us at his 6 month well baby visit that his bottom teeth would be coming any day, and I believed her. Still no teeth two months later ... He's been a great eater and we haven't found much that he doesn't like. As I type this, the only thing I can think of is store bought baby food with meat in it, and honestly, I can't blame the kid so I make most of that on my own. Our super smiley boy continued and his love for his big sister has continued to grow and grow. He LOVES to watch her, and if her being a bit rough with him didn't pull the biggest laughs out of his belly, I would have a much easier time getting her to be gentle. He loves it, and I love to watch it.

Right before Thanksgiving, Iver was finally baptized!He was a good little boy and just kind of stared at the priest as the water was poured ... he was super handsome that day, as usual.

And here's Iver at 7 months - probably my most favorite pic of him so far!

Iver started CRAWLING on Dec 23 and quickly went from crawling to pulling up on everything (on New Year's day). He's now loving the push lion that he can walk behind and has let go of whatever he's been holding onto to stand on his own now several times. Physically, he's such a different kid than Piper and is doing everything way earlier and much more quickly. That being said, the one word I've heard him say is Mama, and before today, that had happened super clearly once, or maybe twice. Then today, he clearly called me Mama a few times. I melt like a stick of butter in a hot frying pan. It's AWESOME. But I do think he's teething now because our super happy man is not always happy anymore, and the drool is ridiculous. His gums are jam packed with his two front teeth on the bottom, but they were at his 6 month appointment too. His lack of teeth doesn't seem to impact the eating, and his kisses are still the sloppiest, open-mouthed messes so the lack of teeth is kind of nice. But is that explaining his recent lack of sleeping through the night again? We will see! But here's the handsome man's 8 mo pic ...

The main update from now is that he is into everything. He can open cabinets (time to get the locks out), he loves cords and electronics, and the quieter he is, the worse he's being. He seems to be into more stuff than Piper was, but I don't know if he really is, or if my memory is poor. All I know is, there's only so mad you can get at that handsome face. He's trouble for sure.

And Piper gets an update next. She's 3.5 and I'm starting to freak out about the fact that she will be FOUR this summer. Yikes! And Colorado and Christmas need their own posts. So behind, what is wrong with me?! Busy mama of two awesome kiddos, that's what.