3 weeks old:
And now six months old:
Since one of Piper's favorite activities seems to be the bath, we decided to go to the Y today for open swim and introduce her to the huge tub, with lots of screaming children and a lot cooler water. I don't think she really knew what to think at first. She looked very unsure of the situation and chewed on her bottom lip for the first five minutes or so - the lower lip chewing is new by the way. It started a few days ago and used to be just when she was eating, but now it happens at random times. The whole bottom lip disappears and she sucks sucks sucks. It's hilarious, but anyway, back to the pool, after she got used to the new surroundings and volume level, she really seemed to enjoy herself. She splashed and kicked and liked "swimming" with her daddy and me. She definitely got a lot more comfortable and even put her head back when she was swimming on her back with me. Reid's still thinking her sport is going to be tennis, but based on what I saw today, I'm thinking we should have named her Micheala Phelps Hutchins. Those frog legs were insane!
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