Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We think she's advanced

At first, the bouncy seat was a piece of baby gear that Piper didn't seem to like very much, but I still loved it because it was a safe place to put her while I was in the shower, brushing my teeth, etc. But over the last couple of weeks, she's really started to enjoy hanging out in the seat and has been moving around and bouncing more and more. And then yesterday afternoon I put her in the seat so that I could put laundry away, and low and behold, she discovered that she could kick the things hanging down with her feet and make them move. So she kicked and kicked for about ten minutes, clearly enjoying every minute. She did the same thing this morning as I got ready this morning. I know I just said this recently, but it is absolutely amazing to see her learn right before our eyes! And while kicking the hanging fish might not seem like a big deal, it definitely is because she spent the first 11 weeks of her life ignoring them. And the picture doesn't do it justice, but when she kicks, she blows spit bubbles out of her mouth so she ends up covered in her own slobber. Super cute, though.

The other big change I've noticed, literally over the last few days, is that Piper is just starting to enjoy her stuffed animals. Today we played with her pig and one of her monkeys and she was smiling and trying to get the animals into her mouth, bit by bit. She also seemed to be hugging them - I don't think this was really intentional, but it was definitely cute :-)

As for growing, I think she might be headed into another spurt. Yesterday, all she seemed to do was eat. She ate SO often that by the time bedtime rolled around, I felt like a walking zombie. Outside of a couple of walks that we took, I spent the entire day feeding her, and then me so that I could feed her some more. And then today she's been a tired, sleepy baby. Maybe she's just making up for the lack of long nap yesterday, but I swear her legs somehow looked longer today. She used to be all torso with short little legs, but now her legs look like they've stretched out. So many changes in such a short amount of time!

Here's my little lady in her baby bjorn. She smiles so much more often than she used to, but I never seem to catch them on camera.

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