Monday, October 5, 2009

Last day as a newborn

Tomorrow Piper turns 3 months, which means that she officially transitions from a newborn to an infant. In some ways, I feel like she made this transition a while ago ... she doesn't look or sound like a newborn anymore and it feels like she's been in our lives for a long time. In other ways, she's still so new and this transition makes me realize how quickly time is going by!

Whenever we meet someone new, there are a few standard questions we get asked: 1. how old? 2. name? 3. and my least favorite - is she sleeping through the night yet? The answer to that one is N-O. I wish, but no. She's been consistently going 5 or so hours in between her bottle at night and the middle of the night feeding, but that's not even close to sleeping through the night. Every night, I go to bed and wish and hope and pray that tonight will be the night ... hopefully soon! I don't want to jinx it, but I think we may be headed in the right direction. For the last two nights, she's gone 8 hours from that last feeding of the day. Two nights ago, it was uninterrupted and felt heavenly. Last night, she woke up at 1 am (it had been just over 4 hours) and wanted some attention. Reid changed her because she was soaking wet, and burped her, and put her back down. He's a lifesaver for doing this because if I go in during the middle of the night, even if she's not hungry, she smells me and is suddenly starving. Yeah, no thanks. So after he put her back down, she started crying. As much as it sucks to listen to her unhappy, we let her cry, and after 10-15 minutes, she sounded like she was getting sleepy. Reid went in, plugged in the pacifier, and she slept until 4:45. Woo hoo! Hopefully she'll start learning that it's not that fun to wake up in the middle of the night if she's not starving and we'll have a baby that sleeps through the night soon. I'll go to bed tonight and hope tonight will be the night!

The napping during the day is another sleep issue, and is why it's so hard to blog (among other activities). Unless we run errands or go somewhere in the car, she won't take a nap longer than 30 minutes or so during the day at home. She'll take a bunch of these cat naps, but the long nap is a beautiful thing, and something that I do believe babies are supposed to do :-) I've even heard they're supposed to take two naps! One in the morning and one in the afternoon, but I'm not greedy - I'll take one. I'm not sure if it's the lack of movement in her crib or pack and play or what, but napping at home could definitely be improved upon. Every once in a while, we'll get a 2-3 hour nap in the swing (again, it's moving), but that's rare too. Maybe it's her lack of routine ... sometimes we go for walks in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon. Sometimes we run errands, sometimes we'll go to play dates and sometimes we'll go visit people. I definitely want a flexible baby, and one that can travel and not be on a strict schedule and be good to go with whatever, but maybe that's biting us in the butt a bit too. This week, we had today at home, with errands this afternoon. Tomorrow and Wednesday we're going to Middlebury to see her Nana and Papa since Reid's traveling. Thursday we want to go to her cousin Sarah's soccer game in the afternoon. Friday and Saturday we have play dates - at different times. Hmmm ... I really like getting out and being social, but maybe we do a little too much? I'm going to keep it up for a bit and see what happens. I definitely don't want to be a hermit! I'm open to suggestions too ... anyone else have this 'no naps of any real length at home' issue?

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