Thursday, October 15, 2009

Unintentional spying

Reid was reading Where the Wild Things Are to Piper upstairs in the nursery and I could hear them through the monitor that was left on downstairs. It was absolutely adorable to hear him add commentary and different voices to the story. I don't think I tell him enough - as I'm usually handing her off to make dinner/fold laundry/take a little breather and not saying what I should be saying - but he is a great dad and I'm excited to see their relationship grow over the many years to come. I think sometimes we get so focused on Piper and making sure that she's happy/dry/fed that we forget to focus on each other enough too. Or I know I'm guilty of that at least, and I'm clearly feeling guilty about it, which is why I'm blogging!

Piper slept through the night again last night and this time we actually enjoyed it. I hope this is a new trend that's here to stay! As far as the napping goes, I've also given in a bit and just let her nap in her swing. I've stopped pushing the crib during the day. It works for now and we'll try the crib again in a little while :-)

I didn't get a chance to upload pics today. I made phone calls that needed to be made, ordered some music CDs for Piper and took a short nap while Piper slept. I ran out of time, but hopefully tomorrow!

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