Friday, February 11, 2011

18 month stats

While Piper may now be 19 months, she did have an 18 month well-baby visit last month so here are her latest stats:

Height: 34 inches - 95 percentile
Weight: 27 pounds, 14 ounces - 91 percentile
Head circumference: 19 inches - 82 percentile

Her percentiles were pretty much unchanged, except for her growing melon - she bumped up a good 7 percentage points, making herself a pretty well-proportioned, albeit huge, child.

I remember the doc at her 15 month well-baby visit telling us there would be a word explosion coming up. Well, he didn't lie. While much of what she still says is incoherent babble, she can now say a ton of words including: mama, dada, dog, big truck, duck, cheers, cheese, eye, vroom, moo, up, down, hot, hat, more, please, pee, poop, nana, papa, NO, uh huh, uh oh, gas (in reference to gas stations...), boat, and I'm sure there are a bunch of others that I'm blanking on right now. And if you think she's not listening, think again. She's proven time and time again that she's always listening and understands every word we say. She answers almost every question with "no" right now and she loves to listen to us count and sing along with the alphabet song, although she only says "i, i, i."

Her favorite show is Dinosaur Train on PBS, although she won't sit and watch it for more than a couple of minutes, and her favorite time to read books is right before bed. We read the same books almost every night - Olivia; Everywhere Babies; Goodnight Moon; The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear; Hand Hand Fingers Thumb; and I Love You Stinky Face.

She LOVES accessories - hats, sunglasses, purses. And big trucks. She's a ridiculously fun combination of girly girl and tom boy and we hope that continues. Basically, we're completely in love and she gets more and more fun every day - as long as it's not a 'terrible two' day ... she has those too.

And the picture at the top is from New Year's Eve. Piper was super sick - double ear infection, bronchialitis - so our plans to head to Boston to see friends were canceled. To make the best of it, I made a nice dinner, complete with chocolate cream pie. Piper discovered how much she loved homemade whip cream, particularly when she could eat it off the whisk. And notice the hat - again, always accessorizing. Love it.

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