Monday, March 23, 2009

Easing my way back into blogging

So I was planning on attaching a picture of me at 23 weeks (taken last night) to this post, but then I saw how bad the pictures look and quickly changed my mind. My husband and I haven't been great about taking weekly pictures of my growing belly, but we attempted to catch up a bit last night and I should have done a better inspection of the results before saying we could end the photo shoot. The result: three pictures in which i look absolutely exhausted, bordering upon haggard. For some reason, I think being tired while pregnant goes straight to my eyes.

Enough complaining though - I said I wouldn't complain this time around about being pregnant, and truth be told, there really hasn't been much to complain about. But if I'm going to be honest with myself, I'm just a bit too vain to post or send out pictures that don't look at least decent!

In the past week, the little one has really started to kick with a vengeance ... it feels amazing. And after many attempts of me calling my husband over to feel a kick - the first 10 or so resulting in an absolutely silent baby as soon as he put his hand on my stomach - he was finally able to feel a solid attack to my mid-section last Friday afternoon. It was such a cool moment to share with him and I would like to think I'll remember his reaction forever. He basically jumped away from me as if he'd experienced an electric shock - but a shock that clearly sent shivers of happiness and awe down his spine. His smile was ear to ear and he bounced around a bit on his feet. It was super cute to say the least.

We're really starting to get excited, and part of me wishes it was July now. On the other hand, like when I realize that we are completely unprepared and don't have a single item in our house that relates to a baby, I'm thankful to have nearly four more months. Now if I can just get over the fact that registering for baby gear sends shivers of fear and angst down my spine, we'll be in a lot better shape. I thought I would love registering, but I have found the process to be completely overwhelming. Since becoming pregnant, my indecisive nature has reached a peak, and with at least 30 options for every single piece of equipment, my poor pregnant brain pretty much shuts down. I also think that having to do so much research to register makes me realize how little I actually know about babies, which is also an overwhelming feeling. Luckily, I have a very rational husband who doesn't seem to be phased in the least and is convinced we'll have no trouble figuring things out as we go. I guess people have been having babies for, well, ever. How hard can it be?

I think I'm going to succumb to tonight's exhaustion. Work is still a frenzied craze of stress and ridiculousness and I'm pooped. Time to catch up on DVR'd television and finish knitting a baby hat for a friend that had an absolutely adorable little girl a couple of weeks ago. Little Stella needs a watermelon hat!

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