Monday, March 9, 2009

A lot to catch up on ...

So that, ladies and gentlemen, is an ultrasound image of a little baby at 20 weeks - and she/he is ours! Clearly, we have a lot to catch up on.

After I posted my last post, I decided that I couldn't blog anymore for a while. I needed to let trying take its course, and try not to obsess. This second part was a near impossibility, and blogging about trying certainly wasn't the distraction I was looking for. So I decided to lay low and use a written journal while I continued to grieve for the little one we lost.

Fast forward several weeks later to a Sunday morning in November when we found out we were pregnant again. While we were excited, we knew our attitude about this pregnancy was going to be different than the last time. Gone were the insanely happy moments - I was filled with trepidation and fear. I wanted more than anything to wish away the first trimester and move on to greener (safer) astures. And the blog was no longer anonymous, while anonymous was what we wanted to be ...

Fast forward to the end of the first trimester - YAY - work took a turn toward craziness. So while I was ready to make the news public and blog again, I found myself at a loss for time, and on manydays, energy. And then where to begin again? How retrospective do I want to be?

Well with this post I begin blogging again. As for the second question - I haven't decided, but we'll figure it out together as I go.

The spine was one of my favorite shots from last week's ultrasound. All lit up and looking great!

I'm now 21 weeks - more than halfway done. More to come. I'm back, baby.

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