Friday, February 25, 2011

Great expectations

The problem with great expectations, and I don't mean the book here, which I really liked, is that when life doesn't work out how you want it to, there are great disappointments.

Take today, for instance. We were so pumped to get to Turks and Caicos and start our vacation. Pumped enough where we didn't even mind getting up at 3:40 this morning to make our flight. Then the snow set in around 6 am ... and here we still sit in NY, with a flight tomorrow. Now, obviously way worse things happen in life than missing a day of vacation, but I would be lying to say that I'm not disappointed. Tomorrow, there will be sun, friends, and warmth!! Or there better be ... :-)

1 comment:

aeshcame said...

always expect the best, i'd say..