Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Feeling great

It's a big day for me tomorrow at work and I've just finished practicing my slides for the last time - woo hoo! I'm ready to present this bad boy and then hit the road for home so that I can get a bridesmaid dress altered. As background, I'm in my friend Christine's wedding in July, and while I admit to not being a fashion guru, it is absolutely impossible for me to understand who on earth they have designed these dresses for. Even with my abundant bosoms, the boob compartment on this dress is HUGE. You could easily fit a couple more of my D/DD boobs in there with no problem. Other than that, the dress is cute. It's a pretty taupe color (European taupe to be exact) with an ivory sash, strapless, A-line, made of thick figure-forgiving material.

Even though I didn't sleep that well last night - I had weird dreams where I was living in a cartoon and having to rescue people - I think the adrenaline associated with a big presentation is starting to kick in because I've felt energized all day long. I haven't felt like this in about three weeks and it feels great! I'm sure I'm not in the clear as far as the exhaustion goes - everything I've read says that will last through the first trimester and I'm only seven weeks in - but I'll enjoy it and appreciate when I can get it!

I'm guessing it's because Blueberry is growing a little bit each day inside of me, but I've started noticing pregnant people everywhere. Just today, I saw half a dozen in and around Harvard Square in a very short amount of time. Since we would like to continue to keep Blue a secret for the next six weeks, I'm happy that I don't look pregnant and can therefore live in camouflage, but it also makes me wonder how many other people did I see today that are pregnant and just don't look it. I think my pregnancy radar is about as heightened as my sense of smell these days.

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