Monday, June 29, 2009

All's quiet in Queensbury

We had our third trip to the Snuggery at Glens Falls Hospital on Friday, but left still pregnant just a short couple of hours later. Let me back up to Friday's doctor's appointment ...

We went in for our 4pm appointment and I felt fine, but I did notice that maybe I was a bit dehydrated - it had been HOT and when I'm busy, I have the bad habit of not drinking quite as much water as I should. Anyway, they weighed me and I had put on 3 pounds in a week. This I just couldn't understand because I haven't been eating anything crazy (or in large quantities). Then my blood pressure was a bit higher than usual. This, combined with the fact that the midwife could leave dents in my legs when pushing on my shins was not adding up to a super positive conclusion.

It seems that the weight gain and dents could be explained by the fact that my legs and feet were a bit swollen (technically called edema). To make sure that I wasn't experiencing preeclampsia, the midwife asked us to go over to the hospital to run some additional tests. All of my odd symptoms, including the higher than usual blood pressure, could be explained by dehydration, but better safe than sorry. The midwife I saw threatened that depending on the results of the tests, I may be put back on bed rest. Not to be dramatic or anything, but this sent a chill down my spine. Bed rest, again? ARGH ...

So we went to the hospital, where I hydrated, peed in a cup, had blood taken, and was strapped to a fetal heart monitor and contractions monitor for a couple of hours. Luckily, at the end of the non-stress tests, the conclusion was that I must have just been a bit dehydrated and that I needed to be taking it easier and resting more with my feet up. NO BED REST :-) But my lesson has been learned: I may not be on bed rest, but I'm also nine months pregnant and my body is not up for going and going and going for all of my waking hours. So rest more I am!

In fact, starting last night, I have been feeling the same lethargic and exhausted feeling that I felt during my first trimester. Even well hydrated with my feet up, I'm pooped. I've taken one nap today while trying to read a book, and I have a feeling that it won't be my last! Since I've heard this can happen near the end, I'm going to take several peoples' advice and take advantage of my downtime and ability to sleep uninterrupted whenever I feel like it. The house is clean, the to-do list is pretty much done, and I don't want my ankles to turn to cankles!

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