Monday, June 22, 2009

Working on my to-do list

By the lack of posts over the past several days, it may be obvious that I have been back on my feet again, and therefore, not on my computer!

I learned very quickly on my first day off bed rest that I am now very much out of shape, resulting in a seriously sore back at night. Without a doubt, my belly has grown over the last (at this point) almost four weeks and my back muscles are no longer used to lugging the baby around! So my back isn't that happy with me, but the rest of me is super excited to have my freedom again and to have some time to get the house back in order. Well, hopefully we don't end up having too much time ...

Friday was a great day. My mom came over and we hit Target and TJ Maxx to buy some odds and ends, both for the baby's room and around the house. The rain held off long enough for us to enjoy a relaxing lunch outside in downtown Glens Falls, NY (Gourmet Cafe), and then we came back to the house where my mom helped us catch up on laundry and I surrendered to the couch for a bit because my 3.5 weeks of nothing were catching up with me. I ended the day with a great pedicure and then my husband and I cooked an easy dinner - me with heavy eyelids and an aching back. I think I was in bed by 9 ... I clearly overdid it, but it felt great nonetheless.

Saturday we had our birthing class, taught by a 33 year veteran labor and delivery nurse who may have been a bit older, but man was she feisty! She wasted no time beating around the bush (no pun intended) when it came to getting into the nitty gritty details of labor and delivery. My husband and I both learned a lot and the class was a LOT less scary than I thought it was going to be. I mean, there are definitely some not very pleasant activities in our near future, but I just keep thinking of the little one and I get so excited for the big day to come!

We celebrated Father's day by going out to one of our favorite breakfast places - Papa's Diner in Queensbury (I wish there was a link available for this little gem!) - followed by working on the nursery. It's getting close ... it really just needs some wall decorations and the rocking chair. And in our bedroom, the cradle is made, the mobile is attached, and the baby monitor is charged. Today I packed the hospital bag and continued to pick up around here a bit to get the house back in order, but I wish we could pull out a crystal ball and know when this little one was going to come ... obviously not possible, but oh it would be nice! I'm so anal that sometimes it drives me nuts, but I think this is more about being excited than trying to be super organized. When you're little and waiting for Christmas to come, at least you know the day and can count down the days leading up to the 25th. Now we wake up each day and today could be the day or ... maybe not. Or each night I go to bed wondering whether tonight will be the night the contractions wake me up. I don't like to admit to being impatient ... I think it's more a matter of I can't control any of this. Patience!!

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